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Mary Kang'ethe

Director, Education Programme, Kenya national Commission for UNESCO

Bold Question: What if children were empowered to promote community-based climate change action?

Pathway to Metis: Mary is the Director Education Program, at Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM).  She holds a Bachelor’s in Education degree and a master’s degree in education (Guidance and Counselling) from Kenyatta University. She has worked as a secondary school teacher and as an official (Quality Assurance and Education Officer) in the Ministry of Education at the local and National levels.  She has previously served as the National Coordinator for Peace education at the Ministry of Education where she led the designing and implementation of key national peace education activities the development of a policy, the integration of peace education into the curriculum, conduct of research, capacity development of teachers and development of peace education materials. Mary also led customization and implementation of various international peace education programs to the Kenyan context. 

She served as the Coordinator of the Inter-Country Quality Node (ICQN) on Peace Education under the Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) up until 2016.

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(+254) 742 641 797

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