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Alvin Kiiru

Operations Manager, Nikola Energy

Bold question: What if we can inspire everyone to be more proactive in sustainable agriculture?

Path to Metis: My names are Alvin Kiiru, a finishing undergraduate student of Microbiology at Kenyatta University.

I work at Nikola Energy, a non-governmental organization committed to efficient management of resources (Waste, water and energy). We realized early on that inefficient agriculture was a major issue in food supply in Kenya, and a high barrier of entry into modern technologies such as vertical farming dis incentivized the average Kenyan from adjusting. This is why we embarked on work trying to bring down the costs associated with setting up hydroponics systems.

Our work in education has stemmed from offering training to orphans in children’s on hydroponics as a viable income generation strategy. We currently work with a Restoration Education center, an orphanage situated in Kibera, Nairobi. We have a working hydroponics set up in place, and we train them on how to set up, prepare media for planting and plant fruits and vegetables. Over the next year, we hope to include two more wellness organizations, and are already implementing our solution with Hope for Widows in Kenya, an NGO for widows located deep in the heart of Meru county Kenya.

More about Alivin:


Alvin Kiiru
Metis-Learner painting

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Kims Court, Theta Lane, Kilimani
(+254) 742 641 797

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