Danielle Ocheing
Education and Research Consultant, Ubongo
Bold Question: What if we harnessed play based learning to enhance literacy skills in children?
Path to Metis: Kool & The Gang sang ‘When you say you love somebody, you got to let themknow about it’,and that is exactly what Danielle does in her work withchildren, especially those who are underserved or marginalized. Her passionlies in ensuring children gain a holistic learning experience especially ineducation as it is the basis for literally everything. She has a backgrounddegree in Early Childhood Education and a Masters in CounsellingPsychology. Both motivated by her love for children's healthy educational andemotional development as one cannot thrive well while the other is not.
She founded and co-runs an early literacy organization with an amazing teamwhich helps improve the literacy and love levels of children aged 3-10 years incommunities that have significantly low literacy rates and have limited to noaccess to engaging and child-centered literacy learning activities. She is alsocurrently a consultant in the edtech world with Ubongo, which is an NGO thatco-creates fun, localized content with children to produce the famouschildren's shows, Ubongo Kids and Akili and Me.
Through both roles, hermission is to ensure that all children, regardless of how interior they arelocated or their physical or intellectual abilities, get access to quality learningactivities and resources to ensure they become the best possible version ofthemselves. And what better way to accomplish this extensive mission thanthrough collaborations created at Metis? To infinity and beyond!
More about Danielle: