Kenneth Okello
Bold Idea: Build a community of practice that equips teachers in low-fee preschools in informal settlements with skills, coaching, and peer support to strengthen the quality of their instruction, and share the model with government stakeholders to influence ECD policy.
Path to Metis: Kenneth’s expertise is in supporting Kenyan ECD teachers to design and share innovations that drive stronger learning outcomes for kids. During university, he completed his practical placements with schools in informal settlements and began his career teaching at Nyamogo Girls Secondary School and Thika Road Academy. While completing his Masters's in Education at Kenyatta University, his thesis focused on the factors that influence teachers’ strategies and methods. He also conducted research for Amref Health Africa and teacher training for World Vision.
These experiences showed him that although most Kenyan teachers have initial training through a certificate or diploma, they have minimal ongoing support even though research shows that ongoing training is critical for teachers to improve their practice. This made Kenneth committed to building higher quality training that supports teachers with methods and best practices from around the world and gives them a platform to share ideas and replicate what is working from one school to another.
Kenneth pursued this in his work at Kericho Teacher Training College before joining Kidogo, where he leads, designs, and facilitates a program that trains Kidogo school leaders and teachers with skills to deliver high-quality education. He launched the Kidogo Community of Practice, a forum for Kidogo teachers to discuss challenges, collaborate, and share low-cost innovations, tools, and solutions for their local context. Kidogo also supported the launch of the Early Childhood Development Network for Kenya, a platform where they will share lessons learned from their model with other partners and stakeholders in ECD, including international organizations and the government.
More About Kenneth:
Documentary Overview of Kidogo’s Model