Jeffrey Okoro
Executive Director, Carolina for Kibera
Bold Idea: Establish, through research, practices that best promote student school attendance and academic success in informal schools.
Path to Metis: Jeffrey is a Project Manager and a development expert who has worked with individuals in social enterprise and NGO's on project management, market research and strategy consulting in providing creative solutions to complex and sensitive issues. His knowledge and skills gained through interactions with a diverse range of projects over the past eight years include administration, finance, project coordination and management. Having worked in education programs for the past six years, Jeffrey has worked in supporting over 3000 highly vulnerable students with access to education for both primary and secondary.
He worked on a UNICEF funded project dubbed Out-of-School Children Program where he worked towards the re-enrollment of 2200 pupils. Over the past two years Jeffrey has been committed to establishing factors and practices that work in supporting informal schools in improving the quality of learning outcomes for children in informal areas. Jeffrey is currently the Project Director of Best Schools Initiative which is firmly committed to not duplicating or competing with existing efforts; instead, learn through reliable data what practices have the greatest impact on student attendance and success, and encourage and enable schools to adopt these practices, making them the Best Schools.
Jeffrey has equally worked on development of a digital school management platform that helps track student school attendance, academic progress and cloud storage for school records. He firmly believes in teamwork and collaboration and seeks to bring on board NGOs and government agencies with expertise in these practices and match them with schools serious about using these practices. Lastly, continuously monitor and evaluate the practices and schools to ensure that NGO assistance and schools are maximizing student attendance and success.
More About Jeffery: LinkedIn Profile