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Nuru Juma

Founding Director, Little Innovators School

Bold Idea: Reduce Kenya’s unemployment rate to below 10% by 2027 through youth entrepreneurship training and linkage to business incubators. Increase workplace productivity by mentoring youth to align careers to personalities, boosting motivation. Prepare youth for future careers through emerging technologies training. Help organisations turn around by maximising resource utilisation through quality management systems.

Path to Metis: Nuru is a passionate mentor, business developer and quality systems enthusiast helping people and organisations attain their maximum potential. She has over 18 years experience managing institutions and began her career at Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT) in 1999 where she helped turn around three profit centres (2005 to 2016). As an ISO Certified Lead Auditor she set up, managed and maintained IAT's quality management system from 2007 to 2017.

Upon recognizing the career choice dilemma and unemployment rate among youth, she implemented psychometric tests for career alignment which has guided over 3,000 youth (2009 and 2017).

Inspired by the unemployment rate in Kenya and wanting to do something to address it, in 2014 Nuru founded Little Innovators School in Athi River. Her team focuses on nurturing problem solving, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurial talent in children for sustainable economic development. Her school exposes children to emerging technologies so as to prepare them for future careers.

More About Nuru: LinkedIn Profile

Nuru Juma
Metis-Learner painting

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Kims Court, Theta Lane, Kilimani
(+254) 742 641 797

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