Mercy Sylvia Munialo
Bold Question: How might we support teachers to collaborate for personal and professional growth?
Path to Metis: Mercy is passionate about equitable education that goes beyond the traditional practice of passive classrooms to engaging learner-centred classrooms which help shape students’ skills and competencies. Before joining Dignitas Education Limited, Mercy’s quest was to reach children in marginalized communities with equitable education. She previously worked with the Teacher Service Commission as a graduate teacher for more than seven years teaching as a high school teacher. In this period, coupled with her leadership traits, she rose to the position of a Senior Teacher in the various schools that she was attached to.
However, her dream to serve the needy was a constant gnawing agenda that she couldn’t let go of. Quitting a reliable career, she found purpose in her role as a teacher trainer and leadership coach to help bridge the capacity gap for teachers teaching children in Nairobis’ informal settlements such as Kibera, Huruma, Mathare, Kayole and Kawangware. On her path to help see more impact, she works for Dignitas and has constantly risen in her job role. She is currently a Senior Leadership Coach for Nairobi informal schools being supported in her organization.
Through the vast experiences that she has undergone, and the interactions with different schools and teaching systems, she believes teachers skills can be enhanced through professional development opportunities such as teacher coaching and creation of vibrant communities of practices to stamp and sustain best practices in every school.
Mercy holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Maseno University. She also holds a Masters’ Degree in Education with a Specialization in Special Needs Education from Jaramogi Oginga University.
More About Mercy: LinkedIn