Aaga Mitoko
Founder, Blue Ray Community Based Organization
Bold Question: What if we had an early intervention on visual impairment in schools?
Path to Metis: Aaga has always taken leadership roles in his community for most of his life. When he completed his college education, Aaaga was determined to stop school-going children in his community from missing out on their education due to preventable and treatable blindness.
Despite not having optical training, Aaga started researching and partnering with individuals in the optical field to understand eye care and blindness. He soon founded Blue Ray Community Based Organization. Since its inception, it has been conducting visual screening services and support to school-going children.
The organization has been at the forefront of educating communities on how to take care of their eyes to prevent blindness while offering psychological support for students with visual impairment.
Aaga hopes that he can help young boys and girls value themselves more and fulfill their full potential despite the challenges they face.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in community health and development from Jaramogi Odinga Oginga University as well as a diploma in clinical medicine and surgery from Kenya Medical Training College.
More about Aaga: