Alfayo Wamburi
Social and Behavior Change Advisor - The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs
Bold Question: What if no girl drops out of school or loses her life due to unintended pregnancy?
Path to Metis: At a young age, Alfayo watched his sister drop out of school after getting pregnant in primary school. Not only did she struggle with fending for the child but struggled with reproductive health illnesses. He noticed the same trend with his female classmates, in high school, the majority of whom dropped out after getting pregnant. It was clear to him that he wished to change the narrative on early pregnancies and reproductive health.
It was not until college that opportunities to take action came his way. Uninspired by his chemical engineering course, he formed a Peer Education club in the Mombasa polytechnic to address irresponsible sexual behaviors, sexual harassment among girls, and to mediate with the administration to avert frequent student unrests. This was his entry to various Non-Government bodies concerned with mitigating reproductive health challenges.
He was elected the first chairman for National Youth Theatre Outreach Program (NYATOP) coast region to champion HIV prevention among the youth. He teamed up with others to form National Organization Peer Educators (NOPE) to champion Education through the Peer-based method and trained more than 3,000 Peer Educators.
Alfayo has worked with various other organization with the same mission such as National Government Affirmative Action Fund and PATH. He is now part of fhi360s RHMCAH project where his interest in the lives of adolescent girls has led him to design the Binti Shujaa model to respond to the plight of pregnant adolescents. Alfayo is currently pursuing PHD in strategic Management and a co-principal investigator in a study that is focused on improving counseling for women who use hormonal contraceptives and Copper IUD.
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