Danson Warui
Finance Intern, Gric
Bold Question: What if we were able to tap the scarce educational resources and make them available to needy learners?
Path to Metis: During his primary school days, Danson’s walk to school was tiring and difficult. He had to carry a jerry can full of water every morning. His school did not have running water as a result required each student to carry water.
Because of this experience, Danson became determined to make sure that no learner’s potential would be dimmed by scarce resources. Since then, he has created learner-centered solutions through IT and finance since high school.
He is currently working on social innovation that will provide solar lighting to needy households. He is also a mentor to younger adults in his community.
Danson holds a bachelor’s in Economics and statistics and currently works at Grassroot Nest For Innovation and Change.
More about Danson: