Irene Kigathi
Tuleane Afrika Initiative
Bold Question: What if children with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities are included in school classes not sitting in a room by themselves? What if the teachers were more creative to include functional living as a subject where we train an inclusive course including home and self-management, use of assistive devices to help calculate, find their way around communities, trace their way to work or back home?
Path to Metis: Inspired by her journey of raising an autistic child, Irene noticed that the learning disabled students stay too long in the primary school special unit.
Not only are the students left a class behind by their peers, but the teachers and caregivers have no resources to train and modify the normal mainstream learning.
Irene was determined to help these students transition yearly just like their peers.
Tuleane Afrika Initiative was founded on the principle of changing the lives of those with a learning disability through creating a curriculum to help trainers understand the functional skills of their students using a graduated approach. The initiative also helps assess growth, trains on early intervention practices using learning support assistants in classes, and supports lessons for struggling students.
Tuleane Afrika Initiative is an Awesome Foundation Winner, October 2014 for their program dubbed ‘Teaching Differently’.
More about Irene: