Teresa Njue
Tvet Trainer/Founder, Centre For Alternative Learning Pathways - Africa
Bold Question: What if communities designed and owned alternative learning pathways for Lifelong Learning?
Path to Metis: At the onset of her career, Teresa witnessed girls whose dreams were thwarted by social-cultural practices and climatic change patterns. Despite heavy investment campaigns on girl empowerment, the regional imbalances and disparity continued. This generated her interest in Education Policy studies and eventually the promotion from a teacher in high school to TVET, as a lecturer, a Research Coordinator, Women in Technical Education and Development Champion.
Since then, Teresa has been involved in education reforms including the rebranding of TVET and championing Competency-Based Education in line with vision 2030. This has been in her various capacities as Dean of Students, Deputy Principal Academic Affairs, and currently as a Deputy Principal Administration.
She has been involved in research and publishing. Notably, she presented a paper and sparked discussion on alternative Learning Pathways to increase the participation of girls in education at Basic and Higher education at the 2019 Pan-Commonwealth Forum (PCF9) on Innovations for Quality Education and Lifelong Learning, Edinburgh in the UK.
She is now the founder of ‘Alternative Learning Pathways’ a concept that provides an innovative approach to educational practices that takes into account culturally sensitive interventions in local communities and local languages while building resilience in education systems to ensure equitable opportunities and learning outcomes for all.
“I look forward to a synchronization of Policy on paper and Policy on practice to include innovations that support re-imagination and redefining of education in the 21st Century through Alternative Learning Pathways.”
More about Teresa: