Albert Nashon
Founder And Mentor, The Slumcode Group
Bold Question: What if education helped youth identify and develop their true passions?
Path to Metis: With a life mantra of, "We may all not climb mountains but we all can help someone climb and conquer mountains in their lives." Albert has embodied the saying through his life journey and his work. Born and Raised in the low income neighborhood of Nairobi's Eastlands, Albert found himself up taking leadership roles throughout his childhood on both constructive and destructive activities.
In 2005, he stepped down from a stable government job position to found The Slumcode Group targeting the Huruma Mathare Community. He followed this calling in place of acquiring his dream job in the National Registration Bureau as a Trained Fingerprints Officer to begin a new and blazing passion;Community Empowerment.
Convinced that there was a better approach to serving his community, the organisation’s vision of, "A better person - a better place" came to be. The vision was embodied through new ideas like the Grand Slumfest planned and successfully organized every year from 2007 - 2014 as a thematic event.
This was the platform that opened possibilities and catapulted their resolve to set up The Slumcode Innovations and Creatives Hub - THE SLIC LAB, that has over the years interacted and helped youth and collaborate with large corporate like Safaricom, Nokia, Google, Huawei and many more that have further refined his vision to make access to opportunities at the grassroots level easier.This earned him a full scholarship at Strathmore University in 2010, and enabled him to set up workshops at universities in the Netherlands and inspiring hundreds of young entrepreneurs all over the world.
His passion is fuelled by his mission of working towards building easily accessible safe spaces for fast-tracking local solutions to local challenges.
“Happy to be different and to make a difference”
More About Albert: