Doris Kiogora
Head of Operations and Administration, Alliance for Women and Girls
Bold Question: What if teachers, students and caregivers were equal partners in the learning journey?
Path to Metis: Doris is curious, proactive and passionate about developing the capacity of youth in Africa
towards social change especially in the education sector while being part of their journey of self-realization.
She has taken a lead role in developing training schedules and organizing personal development sessions for youths at PACE, equipping them with skills to support the improvement of learning outcomes for children in public schools. As a result, PACE has offered over 200,000 hours of quality in class and after class support to 20,000 students with 48 partner primary schools recording an average 8% improvement in their national (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) examinations annual mean scores.
Doris has cultivated relationships with PACE partner schools, a role which often involves pivotal meetings and conversations with school heads, educational officers from the government and other stakeholders in the sector. Through her contributions, PACE received authorization from the Ministry of Education in Kenya in 2014 to expand its work from 2 counties (Nairobi and Kiambu) to all 47 counties in Kenya. With 8 years of non-profit leadership and education management experience, Doris’ journey to transforming education in Kenya started in 2013 wherein collaboration with the Nation media group, where she led to set up and implementation of reading clubs that impacted 200 children in 8 public schools in Nairobi.
Over the years, together with her team at PACEMaker International, she has facilitated the mobilization of various resources ranging from books, digital libraries, clean water, feeding programs and many more to support learning for over 20,000 underserved children in PACE partner schools in Nairobi and neighbouring counties as well as Kisumu.
She believes that high-quality education is achievable in an environment that promotes learning, where the education providers are adequately skilled, motivated and experienced to deliver various. Quality education can be achieved when teachers, caregivers and students work together. It starts in classrooms and is complimented by efforts at home and around communities.
More About Doris:
+254 711840227