Samuel Wang'ombe
Competence-Based Curriculum Champion and Trainer, Teachers Service Commission
Bold Question: What if the teachers felt empowered by, rather than scared of, technology?
Path to Metis: Metis: Growing up in an environment where both parents were teachers, Samuel’s passion and the path started taking shape right from the cradle. He has fused his passion for Information and communications technology (ICT) and teaching to come up with a mission of transforming the lives of young learners and equip them with skills that essential in the 21st century.
With a teaching experience of 20 years, Samuel’s path has had many twists and turns to get him to where he is now-The headteacher at Mathanji Primary School. Having served as a headmaster in three schools, a teacher and an HoD, he has gained leadership and teaching experience that he still accrues to date. Most notably, he was employed by the Teachers Service Commission-Kenya in October 2003 and posted as a teacher to Mutara Primary school in Laikipia County.
He was rewarded for his leadership trait and passion for technology, promoted as a headteacher and transferred to Kiamariga Primary School in the same county from 2012-2014. During his stay, he collaborated with stakeholders and established Dr Wachira Secondary School-Kiamariga. This was to ensure a 100% transition from primary to secondary for the students. Throughout his teaching, he has learnt a lot from the learners in remote areas, igniting him to integrating ICT into education and hence his passion.
He also doubles up as a teacher-coach in ICT at I Choose Life Africa (ICL), an organization that provide coaching and mentorship programmes for both teachers and students and a Competence-Based Curriculum trainer and a Master Trainer at Virtual learning Solution. He supports teachers on professional development courses which equip them with skills that bridge gap in ICT integration in the teaching and learning. He has acquired awards from Microsoft, such as Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE) he has mentored and certified many teachers in Technology literacy who are currently content creators in their areas of specialization.
He holds a Masters in Education from Kenyatta University in Mathematics Education and is currently pursuing a PhD at Kenyatta University in Mathematics
Samuel believes that if teachers are equipped with 21st-century skills, learning would be enjoyable and accommodate all learners.
More about Samuel:
+254 722638067